English translation for "win a high reputation"
- 赢得高的信誉
Related Translations:
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | We have won a high reputation from the customers and opened up a large market 赢得广大客户的信赖和好评,赢得广阔的市场。 | | 2. | It is a professional producer of congas and bongos , wins a high reputation from every customer 95 %的产品出口欧美、东南亚等国家,是我国规模生产康佳鼓、邦哥鼓的专业厂家,深受各方客商的信赖。 | | 3. | In line with the spirit of devotion and persistence , unity and strive , we have won a high reputation from the customers of famous brands from home and abroad by our quality , service and cost performance 我们本着“敬业执着,团结拼搏”的精神,凭品质、服务、性价比已羸得中外知名品牌客户的一致好评。 | | 4. | In the business concept of honesty , quality first , customer above everything and mutual benefit and with the first - rate equipment , first - rate management and first - rate products , the company has won a high reputation in the sector 公司始终坚持以诚为本、质量第一、用户至上、互惠互利的经营理念,以一流的人才、一流的设备、一流的管理、一流的产品在同行业中享有较高的声誉。 | | 5. | The school has won a high reputation from the society and aroused widespread concern among all walks of life due to the exquisite environment , modern facilities , the first - class teaching staff , standard management and outstanding academic and educational achievements 学校有美丽的校园环境、先进的教学设施、优秀的领导班子、创新的办学理念、精选的教师队伍、规范的教育管理、鲜明的外语特色、突出的个性发展,连续两年高考、中考、竞赛均取得了优异成绩,受到成都市教育局表彰,赢得了社会的广泛关注和赞誉。 | | 6. | Hubei chengli special purpose vehicle has been working at developing both domestic and foreign markets , its products win a high reputation in the three provinces in northeast china , north china and the yangtze river , such as large areas of the south and the north are popular , and foreign countries , such as thailand , congo , india , malaysia , and other peripheral asia - pacific countries and regions 湖北程力专用汽车一直致力于开拓国内、国际市场,其产品在中国国内东北三省、华北及长江南北等广大地区都倍受欢迎,享有很高声誉,在国内环卫绿化专用车市场占有率第一,而且远销泰国、刚果、印度、马来西亚等周边多个亚太国家及地区。 |
- Similar Words:
- "win a game" English translation, "win a gold medal" English translation, "win a good reputation" English translation, "win a good reputation among users" English translation, "win a great many votes" English translation, "win a hollow victory" English translation, "win a name" English translation, "win a prize" English translation, "win a prize at a lottery" English translation, "win a prize for" English translation